Trudi Pier (Hashimoto’s)

By |2017-09-10T06:02:08-04:00February 10th, 2015||

From Brownies to Brown Rice         For years, I had numerous problems with my digestive tract. My mother used to refer to it as “nervous stomach.” I always leaned towards sweets; brownies were my favorite. Every time I ate them though, I felt lousy. In addition to my stomach problems, I also experienced bouts of [...]

Tammy Quigley (asthma and Hashimoto’s)

By |2015-02-10T14:37:06-05:00February 10th, 2015||

I discovered macrobiotics while seeking a better, healthier way of eating. Two years prior, I was diagnosed with a thyroid disorder called Hashimoto thyroiditis and also struggled with seasonal asthma. I took macrobiotic cooking classes in my hometown with Phyllis Reynolds. The classes were very helpful, but I needed to know what I needed to [...]

Gordon Mackie (Crohn’s Disease)

By |2015-02-10T14:30:03-05:00February 10th, 2015||

Denny, my name is Gordon Mackie. Back in the early 80s, I consulted you regarding my Crohn’s disease at the East West Centre in London. The dietary and general good living advice I received from you, and later Jon Sandifer led me to lead a very full and healthy life. Crohn’s is no longer detected [...]

Stacey L. Cantor-Adkins – M.D. (Chronic Fatigue)

By |2017-09-10T06:02:08-04:00February 10th, 2015||

Macrobiotics saved my life. 18 years ago, I was incapacitated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, from which I had been suffering for 14 years.  I had lost hope of ever recovering.  Then I discovered macrobiotics and Denny Waxman, and my fortunes began to change.  Denny gave me a clear direction of how I could recover my [...]

Christina Campion

By |2017-09-10T06:02:08-04:00February 10th, 2015||

Harry Hart and Loretta Quarter introduced me to macrobiotics in 1986 in the UK. Their compassionate, generous, aware nature so deeply impressed me that I was inspired to study and have for myself and family the practice of macrobiotics. They gifted me with George Ohsawa's little book and so I began my newfound journey of [...]

Fran Verma

By |2017-09-10T06:02:08-04:00February 10th, 2015||

I have a wonderful story. In June 2013, I was told I had a large septated cyst on my left ovary. In addition, my left fallopian tube was swollen, very painful, and causing fevers. My CA-125 levels were elevated and the cyst had enlarged to nine cm in just four months. My doctor suggested the [...]

Vickie Kovar – Certified Rolfer

By |2017-09-10T06:02:08-04:00February 10th, 2015|

In 1990, I was just 30 years old and diagnosed with an astrocytoma brain tumor. The tumor was so large and so intermeshed in my left temporal lobe that the doctors were only able to retrieve a biopsy for diagnosis. The biopsy was malignant with a grim diagnosis: nine months to live. When my sister [...]

Sigrid Geerlings – Architect

By |2017-09-10T06:02:08-04:00February 10th, 2015||

“X-files”             I think I might be the medical version of an X-file, which rather thrills me. I was a pretty big fan of the fictional TV series. FBI cases concerning unexplained phenomena, filed away and forgotten, were solved when Mulder appeared on the scene with a passion to uncover the truth. The truth, though, [...]

Stanka Mrdja

By |2017-09-10T06:02:08-04:00February 10th, 2015||

My health has improved thanks to macrobiotics, and additional treatments including acupuncture and bioenergy healing. All of these greatly influenced the improvement of my health. Laboratorytests showed significant improvement in the function of my remaining kidney. Thank you very much for your help. With best regards,

I. Jung

By |2015-02-10T10:42:18-05:00February 10th, 2015||

I don’t know what to say, except that you are amazing. It has taken me years to tell you that, simply because I am so astonished by your capabilities, that any expression of thanks seems inadequate. I am still following your food recommendations and find it incredible to see the vast amount of granulation and [...]

Sally Adorno Craig – Account Manager

By |2017-09-10T06:02:08-04:00February 10th, 2015|, |

My ex-husband was given a week to live if he didn’t start chemo the very day we found out that he had an aggressive cancer already in stage IV. Needless to say, of course he did. When a friend of mine found out, she introduced me to macrobiotics. Using macrobiotics and the will of God, [...]


By |2017-09-10T06:02:08-04:00February 10th, 2015||

The testimonial I have is for my father.  He is currently 97 and residing in a skilled nursing facility. As you may recall, I had read Dr. Satillaro’s book and suggested we visit you many years ago for my mother’s condition.  She lived longer than expected, thanks to your recommendations and my father’s commitment to [...]

Terry Holt

By |2017-09-10T06:02:08-04:00February 10th, 2015||

I was already eating relatively well when I crossed paths with the first practicing macrobiotic person I had ever met. In addition to her clear-eyed, natural beauty, I was taken with her grounded sensibility and centeredness as she described the benefits she has reaped from living macrobiotically. Following my new friend’s advice, I promptly scheduled [...]

Barbara Hewitt

By |2017-09-10T06:02:08-04:00February 10th, 2015||

I want to tell you how thrilled that I am with "The Great Life Diet." The book has finally synthesized and simplified macrobiotics for me.I went through the levels at Kushi, went to many workshops, cooking classes and have many books. And now, thanks to youand the simplicity of your book,I can now live “The [...]

Christina – Actress (cervical dysplasia)

By |2015-02-10T10:25:52-05:00February 10th, 2015||

My husband and I were highly referred to Denny Waxman and macrobiotics by a trusted friend in Los Angeles. I am 36 and was diagnosed with cervical dysplasia and had an abnormal pap smear. I was also having trouble getting pregnant. My husband was having significant hip problems and doctors were also recommending surgery for [...]

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