I discovered macrobiotics while seeking a better, healthier way of eating. Two years prior, I was diagnosed with a thyroid disorder called Hashimoto thyroiditis and also struggled with seasonal asthma. I took macrobiotic cooking classes in my hometown with Phyllis Reynolds. The classes were very helpful, but I needed to know what I needed to eat more specifically.
Phyllis recommended Denny Waxman to me and I immediately set up an appointment. After seeing Denny Waxman the first time, my asthma symptoms went away immediately. My thyroid symptoms have improved greatly as well. Denny got me on track with food and home remedies that helped combat my health issues and made me feel, and look 100% better.
After going to Denny a few times, I decided to join the Certification group to gain a better understanding of macrobiotic cooking, macro-food 101, philosophy, and shiatsu. These were the tools I needed to balance myself so that I could balance my family and teach them better food choices so they would have a healthier future.
Taking the Certificate course has changed my life for the better. Macrobiotics has made me live more mindfully, think more mindfully, and has given me a new look at life through the word “energy”. I am now feeling so much better health-wise, thanks to Denny and his knowledge. I will continue to share the knowledge Denny and Susan have given me. I will also continue to spread the word of macrobiotics and how helpful Denny Waxman has been to my family and to me. Thank you.
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