Macrobiotics and Weight Loss
If your condition is not balanced, then you can't control your appetite. That is why a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle is key to weight loss.
If your condition is not balanced, then you can't control your appetite. That is why a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle is key to weight loss.
I am not a medical professional or a medical researcher. I am a macrobiotic professional with more than forty years of experience guiding many thousands of my clients on diet and lifestyle to recover and maintain their health. I have observed the power and benefits of the regular consumption of brown rice on the young and old over these forty years.
What is the importance of eating on time? Find out! And how eating at regular times can help you feel better and lose weight...
In 2005, The China Study by T. Colin Campbell and his son, Dr. Thomas Campbell became the highest selling health book –– with over a million copies sold. Even though the findings have been criticized, The China Study still presents five important takeaways about plant-based diet, nutrition, and chronic illness.
Fortunately, through macrobiotics both strong constitutions and delicate or weak constitutions can lead a long vibrant life if they build healthy habits and consume a nutritionally dense diet.
Macrobiotic practice embraces and integrates cuisines and ingredients from most of the world’s long-standing civilizations. Macrobiotics, as it is practiced now, has become a multicultural fusion of many of these cultures and civilizations. The plant-abundant diet is based on the full variety of foods in each of the following categories: grains, beans, vegetables, soups, [...]
Sugar, sweets and the sweet taste have a bad reputation and we often feel guilty indulging in our taste for sweets. Craving sugar may not be such a bad thing. Sweet is the most important and healthiest taste, followed by salty and sour tastes, then by bitter and pungent tastes. It is the predominant [...]
All food has protein. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to have protein deficiency. If we eat a diet based mostly on white sugar and other refined foods, it may be possible to have a protein deficiency. Similarly, with a damaged digestive system caused by certain illnesses or excessive medical treatments, we may require [...]
All the world’s long-standing civilizations were grain based. In addition, all people identify with, and are inseparable from their traditional grains. Common examples include rice in Asia, bread in Europe, and corn in the Americas. As global economic development grew and the interconnectedness of cultures through globalization expands, we see different types of grain [...]
Oil has a long tradition in cooking; both olive and sesame oil have been in use for thousands of years. Both olive and sesame oil can be pressed naturally without added heat or solvents. Even though oil is not a whole food, it has the ability to transform our foods. The use of oil in [...]
Coming up with a definition of macrobiotics is not an easy thing. Practically speaking, macrobiotics is a guide to living a great life. Macrobiotics offers an approach to daily life that nourishes and sustains us as well as our families, societies, and the environment. Macrobiotics has been misinterpreted and misconstrued in the past [...]
It's becoming apparent that macrobiotics is the healthiest approach to diet and lifestyle. I've spent the past 43 years developing and refining the best possible ways to achieve the maximum benefits from this way of eating and living. A student of mine once said that no one can dispute that the practice of yoga [...]
The U.S. Leads the way again! Unfortunately, it is individual obesity rate. City Lab Obesity Report How many people do you know practicing macrobiotics or other plant-based diets have issues with being overweight or obese?
Susan and I are on our way to Taipei, Taiwan at the invitation of our client. We will be there for about a week to support her on her journey back to health. We are also going to explore new foods and cooking styles. This will help us to further understand the application of our [...]
Dr. John McDougall recently posted a blog about Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy. Immediately after reading, I was so inspired to elaborate on some of his ideas. I admire Dr. McDougall because he presents research in understandable terms, but in experience with my clients I have seen that there are other necessary dietary recommendations that he [...]
Food is a touchy and personal subject. It affects us in so many ways and we often feel threatened by changes in our food choices and preparation. I hope to express these ideas with openness, curiosity and respect, as food is at the very core of our health and life. We have grown up [...]
We all know the value of a good nights sleep. We are told about it from when we were young and the value of a good nights sleep just appeals to our common sense. Unfortunately, an ever increasing number of people have difficulty sleeping, difficulty waking up and getting out of bed or just [...]
I just read a blog about the importance of eating green and orange vegetables that I wanted to share with you. In my book, The Great Life Diet, which is a practical guide to a macrobiotic lifestyle, I define the meaning of a meal as a cooked grain or grain product and a separate [...]