Regulating Thyroid Issues Naturally

By |2022-10-10T15:51:01-04:00April 1st, 2021|Adjusting Your Diet, Articles and Research, Exercise, Macrobiotic Philosophy, Macrobiotics, Mental Health|

A recent article in the New York Times discusses a link between psychiatric troubles and imbalances in thyroid hormones. Quite often subtle imbalances in thyroid hormones can create depression, anxiety and other psychiatric problems. From a macrobiotic or energetic point of view, the thyroid is the balancing point between the pituitary and adrenal [...]

10 Things That Will Transform Your Health

By |2019-05-22T15:08:05-04:00March 1st, 2015|7 Steps, Adjusting Your Diet, Anti-aging, diet and health, digestion, Eating habits, Environment, Exercise, healthy eating, healthy living, Macrobiotic Counseling, Macrobiotic Diet, Macrobiotic Philosophy, Macrobiotic Plant-based diet, Macrobiotics, Neal Barnard, plant-based diet, Weight loss, whole-foods|

It's becoming apparent that macrobiotics is the healthiest approach to diet and lifestyle. I've spent the past 43 years developing and refining the best possible ways to achieve the maximum benefits from this way of eating and living. A student of mine once said that no one can dispute that the practice of yoga [...]

Walking: Exercise for the Body and Mind

By |2018-03-07T21:30:15-05:00February 8th, 2012|7 Steps, Exercise, Macrobiotic Philosophy, Macrobiotics, Macrobiotics and Medicine, Mental Health, Weight loss|

Walking helps all aspects of our body, emotions, and mind in children and adults alike. Walking aids our digestion and improves circulation. It harmonizes the left and right sides of our body including the intestines, liver and spleen, kidneys, lungs, two chambers of our heart, left and right sides of our brain, and two branches [...]


By |2018-03-07T21:35:21-05:00June 6th, 2010|7 Steps, Exercise, Weight loss|

There are three types of exercises: harmonious exercise, physically or emotionally-oriented exercise and spiritually/mentally or energetically-oriented exercise. Harmonious exercise means everyone can do it and everyone benefits. This is universal exercise and should be the basis of all exercise programs. Examples of harmonious exercise are walking, laughing, body rub, reading, making love, breathing, cleaning, chewing, [...]


By |2018-03-07T21:53:05-05:00July 6th, 2009|7 Steps, Exercise, Weight loss|

The first question to ask in developing an exercise program is "is this exercise part of my life or is it separate?" If it is separate, then we should do something to bridge the gap to integrate it into our lives, to make it actually a part of our lives. Basically, activity is a type [...]

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