A New and Refreshing Approach to Macrobiotics

By |2019-07-09T14:56:06-04:00August 21st, 2015|Adjusting Your Diet, diet and health, Macrobiotic Diet, Macrobiotic Philosophy|

Coming up with a definition of macrobiotics is not an easy thing. Practically speaking, macrobiotics is a guide to living a great life. Macrobiotics offers an approach to daily life that nourishes and sustains us as well as our families, societies, and the environment. Macrobiotics has been misinterpreted and misconstrued in the past [...]

A Primer for Anti-Aging

By |2021-01-08T13:31:45-05:00August 14th, 2015|Anti-aging, Articles and Research|

A recent article from BBC News issued a report on a study done in New Zealand that measured the rates of aging within a group of subjects (between 26 and 38). They measured age through observing 18 different traits which included brain function, kidney function, gum health, and weight. Some aged regularly, that is [...]

To the Farmer’s Market

By |2022-04-29T12:21:59-04:00June 5th, 2015|Events|

I'd like to thank Ben Bergman of Greener Pastures and Stephen Waxman of Trax Cafe for having Susan and I at the Ambler Farmer's Market to talk about "The Complete Macrobiotic Diet." Farmer's markets provide many benefits for the health of individuals and communities. Farmer's markets help us to learn about and reconnect with [...]

A Follow Up on The China Study with a Testimonial

By |2019-06-26T14:46:16-04:00September 15th, 2013|Uncategorized|

I've recently received this story from a woman, Sheron, in response to my previous entry about T. Colin Campbell and her take on The Great Life Diet. Thank you, Sheron! She writes: “There is nothing better than the balance of a Macrobiotic diet and lifestyle. I am committed to following Macrobiotics for the rest [...]

The China Study and Macrobiotics

By |2018-03-07T21:27:54-05:00August 26th, 2013|Uncategorized|

American society has a general notion that we are neither in control of our genes nor the environmental factors which cause disease. Under this assumption, many may be throwing up their hands and wondering: What’s the use of trying to prevent disease when it is inevitable?   A current medical assumption is that early detection [...]

Holy Cow, Calcium From the Source!

By |2018-03-07T21:30:13-05:00June 1st, 2012|Adjusting Your Diet, Articles and Research, Macrobiotic Diet, Macrobiotics|

I just finished reading the NY Times blog on the dangers of taking calcium supplements. This was very predictable because so many things recommended as being healthy or necessary by the medical profession end up causing more harm than good. It turns out that taking calcium supplements can increase your risk of having a heart [...]

Health is Natural

By |2018-03-07T21:30:14-05:00April 3rd, 2012|7 Steps, Adjusting Your Diet, Macrobiotics|

When I first started to explore macrobiotics, I discovered George Ohsawa’s “7 Conditions of Health.” These conditions of health were a revelation to me. George Ohsawa divided health into three main areas: physical, mental-emotional, and spiritual. He assigned the most importance to spiritual health and the least importance to physical health. From the macrobiotic view, [...]

Some Thoughts on Dietary Supplements

By |2018-03-07T21:32:47-05:00October 19th, 2011|Adjusting Your Diet, Articles and Research|

There has been a lot of controversy about the possible harms of dietary supplements over the years. The October 17 report on NPR has raised this question yet again. http://www.npr.org/2011/10/17/141411363/americans-urged-to-reconsider-use-of-dietary-supplements The last time I heard T. Collin Campbell (“The China Study”) speak, he stated that his research showed that it was the food and not [...]

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