Animal & Dairy Food in Macrobiotics
Is there a need for animal and dairy foods in macrobiotic practice? Macrobiotics is not a traditional way of eating, but it is traditionally based on patterns.
Is there a need for animal and dairy foods in macrobiotic practice? Macrobiotics is not a traditional way of eating, but it is traditionally based on patterns.
Cravings are a way our body communicates with us. They are a way we seek balance and align with nature.
It has been my observation that recently more and more vegans have been having bone problems including hip fractures and replacements. In the past, hip fractures were considered to be a sign of old age and impending death. This may not the case today.
In macrobiotics, we recommend using barley or brown rice miso that has been aged two to three years. Certain preparations of miso provide the most benefit. Miso soup can be enjoyed often or daily, and even two to three times a week will start to improve your health. In my experience, the two best preparations are miso soup and miso-tahini spread.
What is the importance of eating on time? Find out! And how eating at regular times can help you feel better and lose weight...
Everyone seems to be concerned about aging these days. People take special preparations and treatments to reverse the natural process of aging. Most of these treatments are based on hormonal and/or nutritional supplements, creams and injections, or surgery. Unfortunately, these treatments are only temporary and oftentimes these treatments backfire. What are the differences between those who age well and those who do not?
In macrobiotics, health is constantly moving and changing. If we stay stagnant then we are moving towards illness instead of health. At SHI Macrobiotics, a macrobiotic institute, we teach students about the five transformations to help them be able to adjust to the changes of energy in the seasons, environment and balance yin yang. [...]
If you are like me and have done a google search for "What is macrobiotics?" - you probably realized, as I did, that the macrobiotic definition offered by Wikipedia and others is far from accurate! For that reason, it has become clear to me that there is a need for a high quality definition [...]
Macrobiotic practice embraces and integrates cuisines and ingredients from most of the world’s long-standing civilizations. Macrobiotics, as it is practiced now, has become a multicultural fusion of many of these cultures and civilizations. The plant-abundant diet is based on the full variety of foods in each of the following categories: grains, beans, vegetables, soups, [...]
Sugar, sweets and the sweet taste have a bad reputation and we often feel guilty indulging in our taste for sweets. Craving sugar may not be such a bad thing. Sweet is the most important and healthiest taste, followed by salty and sour tastes, then by bitter and pungent tastes. It is the predominant [...]
All food has protein. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to have protein deficiency. If we eat a diet based mostly on white sugar and other refined foods, it may be possible to have a protein deficiency. Similarly, with a damaged digestive system caused by certain illnesses or excessive medical treatments, we may require [...]
All the world’s long-standing civilizations were grain based. In addition, all people identify with, and are inseparable from their traditional grains. Common examples include rice in Asia, bread in Europe, and corn in the Americas. As global economic development grew and the interconnectedness of cultures through globalization expands, we see different types of grain [...]
I’m not a doctor or a scientist. My perspective comes from 45 years as a macrobiotic counselor guiding people with a range of health problems, including fertility. I experience great joy and satisfaction from successfully counseling many couples back to fertility, and watching them raise healthy children. My insights are based on an understanding of [...]
Macrobiotic practice and cooking were originally based on island-style cooking from Japan. Island-style cooking has a powerful ability to concentrate and strengthen energy and vitality. Over time, this style alone may become too restrictive for many. Also, many people live on a continent and in many cases, the conditions of modern life create a need [...]
The most important thing in the world today is peace: inner peace, family peace, peace in our country, and peace in the world. The most productive way to use our energy is to come together, combine, and create change for personal, animal, and environmental health. Unfortunately, most people are doing the opposite-- blaming, complaining, [...]
It doesn't matter if global warming is a natural cycle or due to human efforts or a combination. That's not the point. The point is that debating the issue is not going to help us move into a healthy, happy, prosperous future for ourselves and the planet. Earth is living and it doesn't make sense [...]
Macrobiotics, or the "great life", is an orderly approach to all aspects of life. Through macrobiotic practice we learn how to make wise choices in our diet and lifestyle. This leads us to lasting health. Health is the basis of an active, adventurous, creative and fulfilling life. George Ohsawa and Michio Kushi have been the two most prolific teachers in recent history of the general principles and development of macrobiotics.
I am not a medical doctor, but this is my experience and observation as a macrobiotic counselor. I have practiced as a counselor for 45 years, which includes counseling for a broad range of health problems from severe brain injury to mild learning disorders. I have used the same approach applied in unique ways with [...]