
It’s becoming apparent that macrobiotics is the healthiest approach to diet and lifestyle. I’ve spent the past 43 years developing and refining the best possible ways to achieve the maximum benefits from this way of eating and living. A student of mine once said that no one can dispute that the practice of yoga is more than just a physical practice around movement and stretching. Yoga is based around a core of spiritual beliefs that guide the practice. The same can be said about macrobiotics. The development and cultivation of a deep sense of appreciation for food and all of life guides and completes the practice. In a practical sense, we emphasize an orderly and structured approach to eating and living.

The most important aspect of these practices grows from a desire to be healthy. The approach that we take helps people rediscover their natural appetite that leads to lasting health. We stress eating habits as much as food choices so we can experience deeper satisfaction from our meals and greater enjoyment of our food. I’ve compiled this list of things to keep in mind to move you in the direction of health. Use this guide as a primer for planning anything from meals, to menus, to outlining goals for transforming your lifestyle practices.

10 Things That Will Transform Your Health
good eating habits lead to healthier food choices and greater satisfaction
orderliness and regularity with our eating habits leads to an increase in openness and variety
balance perpetuates itself
our sense of balance comes from aligning with nature’s orderly cycles
indigenous and local foods create the strongest connection to the environment
format meals around grains, beans, vegetables, and local, seasonal fruits at home or away
have vegetable soup with one meal every day
emphasize life-related activities (such as walking outside, cleaning, or taking the stairs)
surround yourself with green plants in rooms where you spend time
create a strong and nurturing support network

The quickest, easiest, and most effective way to integrate these practices is through a combination of personal guidance (support network/personal counseling), books, and seminars.