Macrobiotics and Weight Loss
If your condition is not balanced, then you can't control your appetite. That is why a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle is key to weight loss.
If your condition is not balanced, then you can't control your appetite. That is why a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle is key to weight loss.
I am not a medical professional or a medical researcher. I am a macrobiotic professional with more than forty years of experience guiding many thousands of my clients on diet and lifestyle to recover and maintain their health. I have observed the power and benefits of the regular consumption of brown rice on the young and old over these forty years.
What is the importance of eating on time? Find out! And how eating at regular times can help you feel better and lose weight...
When we move in the direction of health, we naturally begin to return to our healthy weight. Healthy weight is natural. It is like breathing; we don't think about it. Weight itself is an indicator of our overall health and the balance of our diet and physical and mental activity. Trying or struggling [...]
Are you an apple or a pear? It turns out that our body shape is a more important indicator of our overall health than body weight alone. A recent article discussed how the body types of apples and pears relate to being overweight or obese. I find it amazing that about 2/3 of all [...]
I recently read an article in the New York Times about a study in San Diego that researchers conducted on mice. In the study, they restricted some mice to certain eating times; some mice were fed within a five hour window, some an eight hour window and some a twelve hour window. Others were [...]
I just finished reading this blog on metabolism and it brought a number of things to mind for me. I have heard many people’s stories about exercising on a regular basis and loosing little to no weight. I have also heard stories about personal trainers who could not loose the bulge in their [...]
I find it alarming that we are gaining so much weight as a society and that this weight gain is starting at younger and younger ages. More than one-third of adults, age 20 years and over, are obese and about the same percentage are overweight. In addition, nearly 20 percent of children, aged 12 [...]
When I wrote my book, The Great Life Diet, I decided to speak from my experience and not try to document anything I said. I knew in time the documentation would appear to me. The most important documentation in recent times has been The China Study by T. Collin Campbell. His research complements the [...]
In my macrobiotic counseling practice, I often say to my clients, “if people say it is good, I say it is bad.” It is my automatic response to hearing someone praise the health virtues of a certain food. I know this sounds completely arrogant or at the very least contrary. To me it is [...]
Welcome to the last day of our Revolutionary Resolutions series. Today we’ll tie everything together with the seventh step. 7. Cultivate the spirit of health. We can move in the direction of health, or in the direction of sickness. Depending on the totality of our diet and lifestyle choices, we move in either the direction [...]
Welcome back to my series on the 7 Steps to a Great Life. Check my previous posts for other ideas for resolutions for a revolutionary 2012. 4. Make your daily life active. This isn’t about what you think it’s about. I am not suggesting that you subject yourself to a purgatory of Stair Masters and [...]
See my previous posts for more ideas for revolutionary New Year’s resolutions. Today we’re going to talk about the format of the meals. 3. Eat two or three complete and nutritionally balanced meals every day. Repeat after me: a meal is not complete unless it includes a grain and a separately cooked vegetable dish. Grain [...]
Good morning, and welcome to the second post in my series on revolutionary resolutions for 2012. Each day I'll be focusing on one of my 7 Steps to a Great Life, which make perfect 2012 New Year's resolutions. 2. Keep your mealtimes regular. If you’re like most Americans, your mealtimes are probably not regular. You [...]
Thank you for joining me this week as I discuss each of my 7 Steps to a Great Life. If you have one resolution for 2012, make it one of my 7 Steps. Don’t feel pressured to implement all 7 Steps at the same time (unless you are experiencing serious health problems, at which point [...]
As a 47 year old woman who spent most of my adult life struggling with weight, body image and health, Bridgette Kossor was at the end of her rope, trying yet again, to lose weight and feel good. By the end of 2006, she found herself at her heaviest weight, 268 lbs., on medication for [...]