Regulating Thyroid Issues Naturally

By |2022-10-10T15:51:01-04:00April 1st, 2021|Adjusting Your Diet, Articles and Research, Exercise, Macrobiotic Philosophy, Macrobiotics, Mental Health|

A recent article in the New York Times discusses a link between psychiatric troubles and imbalances in thyroid hormones. Quite often subtle imbalances in thyroid hormones can create depression, anxiety and other psychiatric problems. From a macrobiotic or energetic point of view, the thyroid is the balancing point between the pituitary and adrenal [...]

Brown Rice Friend or Foe?

By |2020-05-13T17:55:44-04:00February 19th, 2020|Adjusting Your Diet, Articles and Research, Cancer, Macrobiotic Diet, Macrobiotic Philosophy|

I am not a medical professional or a medical researcher. I am a macrobiotic professional with more than forty years of experience guiding many thousands of my clients on diet and lifestyle to recover and maintain their health. I have observed the power and benefits of the regular consumption of brown rice on the young and old over these forty years.

A Macrobiotic Definition that Actually Explains Macrobiotics

By |2022-10-19T13:40:37-04:00March 25th, 2018|Macrobiotics|

If you are like me and have done a google search for "What is macrobiotics?"  - you probably realized, as I did, that the macrobiotic definition offered by Wikipedia and others is far from accurate! For that reason, it has become clear to me that there is a need for a high quality definition [...]

Macrobiotic Diet Foods

By |2019-10-21T18:11:24-04:00December 13th, 2017|Adjusting Your Diet, Macrobiotic Diet, Macrobiotic Philosophy, Macrobiotics|

Macrobiotic practice embraces and integrates cuisines and ingredients from most of the world’s long-standing civilizations. Macrobiotics, as it is practiced now, has become a multicultural fusion of many of these cultures and civilizations. The plant-abundant diet is based on the full variety of foods in each of the following categories: grains, beans, vegetables, soups, [...]

Sugar: The Good and the Bad

By |2019-10-21T18:15:25-04:00November 2nd, 2017|Adjusting Your Diet, Macrobiotic Diet, Macrobiotic Philosophy, Macrobiotics|

Sugar, sweets and the sweet taste have a bad reputation and we often feel guilty indulging in our taste for sweets. Craving sugar may not be such a bad thing. Sweet is the most important and healthiest taste, followed by salty and sour tastes, then by bitter and pungent tastes. It is the predominant [...]

Protein: The Good and the Bad

By |2019-10-21T18:16:40-04:00October 12th, 2017|Adjusting Your Diet, Articles and Research, Macrobiotic Diet, Macrobiotic Philosophy, Macrobiotics|

All food has protein. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to have protein deficiency. If we eat a diet based mostly on white sugar and other refined foods, it may be possible to have a protein deficiency. Similarly, with a damaged digestive system caused by certain illnesses or excessive medical treatments, we may require [...]

Carbs Good or Bad

By |2022-01-27T11:23:03-05:00September 23rd, 2017|Adjusting Your Diet, Macrobiotic Diet, Macrobiotic Philosophy, Macrobiotics|

All the world’s long-standing civilizations were grain based. In addition, all people identify with, and are inseparable from their traditional grains. Common examples include rice in Asia, bread in Europe, and corn in the Americas. As global economic development grew and the interconnectedness of cultures through globalization expands, we see different types of grain [...]

Shining Light on Breast Cancer Prevention

By |2018-03-07T21:28:21-05:00May 19th, 2013|Cancer, Macrobiotic Counseling, Macrobiotic Diet|

Dr. John McDougall recently posted a blog about Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy.  Immediately after reading, I was so inspired to elaborate on some of his ideas.  I admire Dr. McDougall because he presents research in understandable terms, but in experience with my clients I have seen that there are other necessary dietary recommendations that he [...]

Your Brown Rice and Arsenic Safety Checklist

By |2018-03-07T21:28:23-05:00November 21st, 2012|Adjusting Your Diet, Macrobiotic Diet, Macrobiotics|

In a previous blog I made some recommendations to help protect against any possible harmful side effects from arsenic in brown rice. I wanted to post an expanded list since I have received some new information. A friend sent this article to me that was published in The Chicago Tribune. This article contains valuable information [...]

Holy Cow, Calcium From the Source!

By |2018-03-07T21:30:13-05:00June 1st, 2012|Adjusting Your Diet, Articles and Research, Macrobiotic Diet, Macrobiotics|

I just finished reading the NY Times blog on the dangers of taking calcium supplements. This was very predictable because so many things recommended as being healthy or necessary by the medical profession end up causing more harm than good. It turns out that taking calcium supplements can increase your risk of having a heart [...]

What’s So Great About Brown Rice Anyway?

By |2018-03-07T21:30:15-05:00February 16th, 2012|Adjusting Your Diet, Macrobiotic Diet, Macrobiotic Philosophy, Macrobiotics, Mental Health|

I started to eat brown rice in 1967 after years of indulgence in an almost exclusively junk food diet. Interestingly enough, one of the few foods that I liked in my junk food incarnation was kasha and bow ties, a typical Russian dish, which my mother made on a regular basis. Kasha or buckwheat is [...]

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