A Follow Up on The China Study with a Testimonial

By |2019-06-26T14:46:16-04:00September 15th, 2013|Uncategorized|

I've recently received this story from a woman, Sheron, in response to my previous entry about T. Colin Campbell and her take on The Great Life Diet. Thank you, Sheron! She writes: “There is nothing better than the balance of a Macrobiotic diet and lifestyle. I am committed to following Macrobiotics for the rest [...]

Holy Cow, Calcium From the Source!

By |2018-03-07T21:30:13-05:00June 1st, 2012|Adjusting Your Diet, Articles and Research, Macrobiotic Diet, Macrobiotics|

I just finished reading the NY Times blog on the dangers of taking calcium supplements. This was very predictable because so many things recommended as being healthy or necessary by the medical profession end up causing more harm than good. It turns out that taking calcium supplements can increase your risk of having a heart [...]

Sleeping Throughout the Night- Without Sleeping Pills!

By |2018-03-07T21:31:21-05:00November 15th, 2011|Adjusting Your Diet, Articles and Research, Macrobiotic Philosophy|

In Oriental medicine and diagnosis opposites show and regulate each other. The night or sleep is a reflection of the quality our diet and activity during the day. Our ability to experience deep and refreshing sleep is an important condition of good health. A recent article published in the New York Times stated that an [...]

Emotions and Blood Quality

By |2018-03-07T21:35:22-05:00April 21st, 2010|Adjusting Your Diet, Diabetes, Macrobiotic Diet, Macrobiotics, Mental Health|

In macrobiotics we look at illness as a developmental progression. The first major stage, which is not really an illness itself in many cases, is our blood starting to become imbalanced. Our blood, which has hemoglobin, iron containing protein at the center, is important for maintaining our direction in life. When our blood quality is [...]

Discharging Foods From the Past

By |2020-01-10T19:38:08-05:00September 1st, 2009|7 Steps, Adjusting Your Diet, Macrobiotic Diet, Macrobiotic Philosophy, Macrobiotics|

When you eat certain foods, you discharge other foods. If you vary your macrobiotic diet, then basically Monday you discharge dairy food, Tuesday meat, Wednesday sugar, and so on. If you become too regular this way, you establish a routine and then basically your body gets bored and nothing happens. In other words, diet [...]

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