Why are Food Allergies on the Rise?
Nobody wants to go through life unable to eat certain foods. But unfortunately, that’s just the case for millions of people. And the number is rising, too.
Nobody wants to go through life unable to eat certain foods. But unfortunately, that’s just the case for millions of people. And the number is rising, too.
Allergies have now replaced the infectious diseases that claimed so many lives in the last century as one of our most pressing health problems. The once common infectious diseases including TB, diphtheria and scarlet fever have largely been eradicated through better hygiene and antibiotics. Yet, not much attention has been paid to the dietary and lifestyle causes of these problems. There are natural ways to treat allergies. Learn more in this article.
We hear about allergies often: casual conversation, the media, and conversation with our doctors. Although many people are aware of the wide variety of allergies, we still have a misunderstanding as to why they occur. What is our body trying to tell us? While allergies are often thought of as something we can not [...]
I find it interesting that everything that I thought was healthy for more than forty years is now reported to be harmful or at least not beneficial to our health. These are the same things I have been consuming personally and recommending to my family, friends and clients during this time. I am not [...]
Allergies have now replaced the infectious diseases that claimed so many lives in the last century as one of our most pressing health problems. The once common infectious diseases including TB, diphtheria and scarlet fever have largely been eradicated through better hygiene and antibiotics. Yet, not much attention has been paid to the dietary [...]
When we live in a temperate climatic zone, it is best to choose daily foods that originate in the same or a similar climatic zone. For example, although potatoes and tomatoes are grown in North America, they originated in the Andes Mountains, in a tropical environment. Tropical foods are used more selectively than temperate foods. [...]