Holy Cow, Calcium From the Source!

By |2018-03-07T21:30:13-05:00June 1st, 2012|Adjusting Your Diet, Articles and Research, Macrobiotic Diet, Macrobiotics|

I just finished reading the NY Times blog on the dangers of taking calcium supplements. This was very predictable because so many things recommended as being healthy or necessary by the medical profession end up causing more harm than good. It turns out that taking calcium supplements can increase your risk of having a heart [...]

Three Square Meals a Day

By |2018-03-07T21:30:14-05:00April 11th, 2012|7 Steps, Adjusting Your Diet, Macrobiotics|

The family meal has played an important role in the history of all cultures. A recent article published in the Daily Mail suggests that the family meal is disappearing. Our busy lifestyles are compromising this long-standing tradition. Snacks, alcohol, and microwaveable foods are replacing cooked and shared meals. I define a meal as a cooked [...]

Health is Natural

By |2018-03-07T21:30:14-05:00April 3rd, 2012|7 Steps, Adjusting Your Diet, Macrobiotics|

When I first started to explore macrobiotics, I discovered George Ohsawa’s “7 Conditions of Health.” These conditions of health were a revelation to me. George Ohsawa divided health into three main areas: physical, mental-emotional, and spiritual. He assigned the most importance to spiritual health and the least importance to physical health. From the macrobiotic view, [...]


By |2019-09-03T21:14:02-04:00February 25th, 2012|Adjusting Your Diet, Macrobiotic Diet|

George Ohsawa is the founder of modern day macrobiotics. One of his guiding principles is that we are one with our environment. Based on this principle, the Strengthening Health Institute recommends that you choose foods that have originated in the same or similar climate in which you live. It is better to choose foods [...]

What’s So Great About Brown Rice Anyway?

By |2018-03-07T21:30:15-05:00February 16th, 2012|Adjusting Your Diet, Macrobiotic Diet, Macrobiotic Philosophy, Macrobiotics, Mental Health|

I started to eat brown rice in 1967 after years of indulgence in an almost exclusively junk food diet. Interestingly enough, one of the few foods that I liked in my junk food incarnation was kasha and bow ties, a typical Russian dish, which my mother made on a regular basis. Kasha or buckwheat is [...]

Paula Deen and Diabetes

By |2018-03-07T21:30:15-05:00January 25th, 2012|7 Steps, Adjusting Your Diet, Diabetes, Weight loss|

Paula Deen has brought the diabetes discussion to the forefront again. It is becoming less and less probable that one can live the modern lifestyle without developing diabetes or other serious health complications. Over the years our society has greatly increased its consumption of processed and unhealthy foods and beverages. The causes of diabetes are [...]

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