28 Days to Healthy Skin
Beauty is more than skin deep, but it does start there. The skin, the largest organ of the body, renews itself every 28 days.
Beauty is more than skin deep, but it does start there. The skin, the largest organ of the body, renews itself every 28 days.
All of life depends on the sun, and sunlight is an essential ingredient for an overall healthy life. It is important to overcome our fear of the sun and the many myths surrounding sun exposure as an enemy to health. There are healthy ways to build up tolerance for sunlight to receive maximum benefit from [...]
There was a slideshow from weather.com called “7 Signs You Need More Sunlight-- and Don’t Know It.” The morning sun helps many emotional and physical discomforts. We have the greatest ability to release unneeded excess in the early morning hours close to sunrise. It happens as soon as our feet literally hit the ground. [...]