10 Natural Anti-Aging Secrets

By |2020-01-03T19:42:11-05:00June 14th, 2019|Adjusting Your Diet, Anti-aging|

Everyone seems to be concerned about aging these days. People take special preparations and treatments to reverse the natural process of aging. Most of these treatments are based on hormonal and/or nutritional supplements, creams and injections, or surgery. Unfortunately, these treatments are only temporary and oftentimes these treatments backfire. What are the differences between those who age well and those who do not? 

A Primer for Anti-Aging

By |2021-01-08T13:31:45-05:00August 14th, 2015|Anti-aging, Articles and Research|

A recent article from BBC News issued a report on a study done in New Zealand that measured the rates of aging within a group of subjects (between 26 and 38). They measured age through observing 18 different traits which included brain function, kidney function, gum health, and weight. Some aged regularly, that is [...]

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