Dr. John McDougall recently posted a blog about Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy. Immediately after reading, I was so inspired to elaborate on some of his ideas. I admire Dr. McDougall because he presents research in understandable terms, but in experience with my clients I have seen that there are other necessary dietary recommendations that he failed to elaborate upon. He is rightfully one of the medical superstars in our popular culture.
I am aligned with him in thinking that although problems such as breast cancer are large and terrifying, and the solution can be far less difficult and far more enjoyable than it seems. My experience, through my business as a healthcare practitioner, is that health is natural. The body wants to be healthy. We need good food, good activity, and a good attitude, but people don’t know what this means. Too much information and too much unqualified instruction exists. I went back and found a testimonial from a client and remembered how much impact concise and correct information can do. After consulting with me about/for her diagnosis of breast cancer, her medical records now conclude she has had an unexplainable disappearance of cancer. This is why Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy concerns me. Woman make these types of decisions to drastically alter their body in order to prevent cancer. But according to the ground breaking research by T. Collin Campbell, there is another option. He proved that nutrition controls the nature of our health.
Colin Campbell, author of The China Study, proves that nutrition controls the way that genes express themselves by demonstrating that diet activates gene markers. In essence, we turn on the cancer genes by eating unhealthful foods. He even discovered an upper limit for animal and dairy protein as well, which is ten percent of the diet. When less than ten percent of the protein in our diet is animal and dairy based, we turn off our cancer genes. The confusion lies in, “What is healthy?” Most people think they are eating well, but they’re not practicing the right behavior to cultivate health.
Some of the foods that most consider harmful, are actually helpful. Traditional soy products such as miso, tofu and tempeh protect against harmful estrogen. Japanese woman have the one of the lowest rates of breast cancer in the world…What do they eat regularly? Tofu and miso soup.
The main culprit that turns on the genes necessary for breast cancer: cow’s dairy. This includes milk, cheese, butter, ice cream and especially yogurt which is so popular theses days. As infants we need our mother’s milk to promote growth, but as adults we’re not trying to grow at a rapid rate. Dairy confuses our system. From your own experience, you can probably relate to how dairy contributes to the severity of skin problems and allergies. When you stop eating dairy within a short time, you feel better.
In macrobiotics, we discuss emotional health as it parallels to nutrition. In my practice, the breast cancer victims have a commonality in that their underlying philosophy is to over nurture others at their own expense. Cancer is a disease of overdevelopment, not deficiency. So, this makes sense that the breast, an organ used for nurturing, would house cancer in over nurturing people. Alarm bells go off in my head when I hear parents say, “I need to do this for my children.” I help them to understand that the most lovable thing they can do it nurture themselves too. I tell them to put on their own oxygen mask FIRST.
People who take the time to nurture themselves through food and lifestyle become happier. I think this is because they experience control over their health.
So here are my suggestions on how gain some control back in preventing and recovering from breast cancer:
- Eat at regular times without skipping meals. Regular meals regulate all the body’s function, including the hormonal system.
- Center your diet on whole grain products, beans, vegetables, soups and other plant based foods. They nourish our body and mind properly on all levels. Humanity evolved through eating grains and plant based foods, why stop now?
- Lastly, eat local foods. Turn off your cancer genes by embracing your natural environment. If you live in a temperate climatic zone, then eat fruits that originate in this zone. For example: apples, peaches, pears, berries and melons.
One sidenote: If you are worried about developing breast cancer, avoid night shades like potatoes and tomatoes because they are highly acidifying. Acid weakens our blood, lymph system, and our ability to absorb nutrients.
Other foods and activity that are particularly helpful:
Eat our two most important grains: brown rice and millet. Try quickly steamed greens like kale, broccoli, and bok choy served with a squeeze of fresh lemon. Eat miso soup every day (even instant miso soup is great if you can’t find real miso easily). And be sure to walk outside. Walking is great for helping the body eradicate upper body complications. All natural and life-related exercise is helpful including gardening, cleaning and yoga. Begin this practice everyday: Rub the wrist, hands and fingers; feet, ankles and toes; face and neck. Use a warm cloth to activate the circulation and improve the movement of lymph. Peripheral stimulation activates lymph, so gently do this on your skin for at least ten minutes a day.
I’ve helped woman gain their health back after breast cancer. If you are interested in learning more, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email at dennywaxman@dennywaxman.com. In the subject write
Your Name: Nutrition to Yield breast health.
Please also check out Susan Waxman’s blog for recipes and more information on breast health.
[…] Read the rest here: Shining Light on Breast Cancer Prevention […]
[…] both describing what things to do in order to greatly decrease your risk of developing it. In Shining Light on Breast Cancer Prevention, I explained what lifestyle habits to practice, and in Pertinent Info. about your Health and Breast […]