It is easy to stop taking care of yourself. We are busy with jobs, sit in traffic, spend hours watching television, and constantly stare at our phones. The macrobiotic lifestyle is about remembering to take time for our health. Macrobiotic lifestyle highlights learning to cook macrobiotic foods, eating slower and at regular times, discovering fresh foods, and reconnecting with family and friends.
It takes conscious effort to maintain health and balance in an unhealthy society, home, or work environment. Denny & Susan Waxman, as well as the Strengthening Health institute are always endeavoring to modernize and update the effectiveness of the practice. Remember, people who have an up-to-date macrobiotic practice tend to get much better results with far greater enjoyment! In this article, we will discuss health questions you should ask yourself and support programs to help you start a macrobiotic lifestyle or to refresh and renew your macrobiotic practice.
The Time to Recall & Renew Your Macrobiotic Practice is NOW!
The Macrobiotic Lifestyle: How are you feeling?
Ask Yourself These Questions To Find Out:
-Do I wake up easily with a clear head?
-Do I have a morning bowel movement?
-Does healthy food taste the most delicious?
-Do my meals satisfy me?
-Do I fall asleep easily and stay asleep through the night?
-Do I have a positive can-do attitude?
-Do I feel full of youthful vigor?
-Do I feel strong and energetic throughout the day?
-Am I free of aches and pains?
-Is my skin smooth and shiny?
-Am I in contact with other people pursuing health and balance?
Imbalance & Potential Health Issues Questions:
-Is my diet becoming more and more simple, repetitive, and restricted?
-Are more and more unhealthy foods creeping in to my diet?
-Am I becoming more lax and inconsistent about my eating habits?
-Are my day-to-day activities feeling like a struggle to get through?
-Am I constantly snacking?
-Do I feel as if I am aging more quickly?
-Do I feel overwhelmed with life?
-Is my skin dull and doughy?
Understanding Macrobiotics
Overall, macrobiotic lifestyle creates a connection between our diets, health, and environment. There are three basic ideas of macrobiotic lifestyle:
- Understanding what to do to maintain and balance one’s condition through self-reflection or personal guidance
- Taking the time to find out how to re-balance and nurture health with educational programs
- Creating a strong support system at home, with friends, and connecting with our macrobiotic community
Getting Started with a Macrobiotic Lifestyle
Is it time to step back into health and balance again? If so you can connect with our support network through:
-Scheduling a personal macrobiotic consultation with Denny Waxman.
Counseling sessions focus on creating personalized macrobiotic diet, health and lifestyle plan. Each plan is specific to your concerns and needs.
-Attending an On-Site Residential Advanced Macrobiotic Course to get rebalanced and re-inspired.
On-site course are 5-day intensives into macrobiotic lifestyle with classes on cooking and visual diagnosis – as well as a chance to meet other macrobiotic students!
– Enrolling in our macrobiotic courses to begin or refresh yourself on the keys points of health and balance.
The Intermediate Course is all online. It teaches macrobiotic lifestyle, macrobiotic meals, basic meditation, balance and imbalance, and daily self-diagnosis. There are many additional topics that are unique to SHI and are designed to enhance a macrobiotic practice.
The Advanced Macrobiotic Course is designed to immerse yourself in macrobiotic lifestyle. It is a year long program that builds on the basics taught in the Intermediate course program. The program teaches in depth foundation of macrobiotics lifestyle, macrobiotic meals, and macrobiotic diet through online and onsite demonstrations and seminars.
Making a lifestyle change does not have to be hard if you allow us to teach you. Our programs are built to be positive learning experience. We want to support your journey towards a healthier and happier life. We hope you reach out and start your macrobiotic lifestyle.
For more interesting articles about nutrition, macrobiotics, and living a healthy lifestyle, please visit Denny’s macrobiotic blog.
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