If you’ve decided to search for answers to your medical issues beyond traditional medical doctors, or you’ve wanted to compliment your medical treatments, consider a natural health consultant. It’s important to choose a macrobiotic counselor who has extensive experience about natural healing, diet, nutrition, lifestyle and home remedies. Denny Waxman assess and discuss health issues or symptoms with clients to help them improve their health. Many people have found that personal guidance with their macrobiotic practice has improved the results of their medical treatment. A macrobiotic practice often cuts healing time for surgeries in half.
Today, many of us find it difficult to take time for ourselves. For this reason, it is important to find a natural health consultant who you can visit, or counsel with you online while in your own home. Denny accommodates those with a busy schedule as he offers in-person visits or over the internet counseling sessions using Zoom, FaceTime or Skype to provide clients with recommendations, answer health problems, and plan health goals.
To learn how to incorporate macrobiotics into your life, schedule time with Denny now!
Why Choose Denny as Your Macrobiotic Counselor and Natural Health Consultant?
The importance of eating well and practicing a healthy lifestyle is key to promoting good health, having more energy, and living longer.
Denny has an impressive forty-five years of counseling experience. You will feel comfortable and secure with his positive and open approach to eating the foods that will make you healthier and living a better lifestyle.
The key to Denny’s success is in reducing the stress and anxiety of making life-style changes through his gradual approach. Denny believes in building new habits as you are ready. Every positive choice you make is a beneficial change in a new and better direction.
You can place your trust and confidence in Denny Waxman’s proven and renowned services. He is internationally recognized as a macrobiotic counselor, natural health consultant, teacher, and successful author on macrobiotic diet and lifestyle, health, and natural healing.
Why Does Denny Recommend the Macrobiotic Diet and Lifestyle?
Denny recommends the macrobiotic diet and lifestyle to clients to improve their health. These recommendations are based on the dietary patterns of the world’s longest-standing civilizations. In addition to its numerous health benefits, macrobiotics helps many to feel better, naturally. This is not a fad diet. This plant-based diet and lifestyle focuses on implementing simple healthy habits and practices into your daily life. These practices include making good food choices, being mindful when you eat and eating without distractions, and spending quality time with family and friends. Eating should be done on a regular schedule. Your daily schedule should include positive activities such as gardening or taking a walk.
Living a busy life can often lead to a chaotic lifestyle. The result is that we are more prone to falling into unhealthy eating habits and a lifestyle that is not conducive to taking time for our health needs. By adopting and practicing healthier habits, you will find yourself calmer, more relaxed, and less stressed, amidst the chaos. You will find that your personal and professional life will benefit from a healthier, happier, you.
The goal of macrobiotics is not a quick fix, but to create health-supporting habits that will lead to better long-term health. Diets that are too restrictive lead to cheating and feelings of negativity. Human nature is to give up and revert to old habits if a diet is too difficult. The best part about macrobiotics is that you can implement simple, but powerful changes at your own pace. By adding good choices incrementally, you will adjust and embrace the changes naturally, without stressing out or even feeling like you are on a “diet”. Small changes can lead to substantial benefits overtime.
There are misconceptions about macrobiotics. It isn’t true that you can’t eat out at restaurants and only eat Japanese food. Here are the facts: you can still eat out at restaurants that serve vegetables and grain dishes. Some good restaurant choices are: Mediterranean, Asian, Middle Eastern, North African, Italian and Mexican.
About Macrobiotic Diet and Lifestyle
US News Health & Nutrition wrote an article on the basics of the macrobiotic diet. The main focus of the macrobiotic diet is to optimize health and prevent disease. They realize that since food is such an important part of our lives and influences our health, only when people find a diet that is right for them can they achieve overall well-being.
The premise of this diet is that by eating whole and living foods you can put your body in harmony with the world. This diet is used to improve the immune system and fight as well as prevent disease. Eating a macrobiotic diet will keep you healthier, happier, and hopefully live a longer life. Since this diet is low in fat, it is considered to be healthier for your heart.
What to Expect When Meeting with Denny
Many people come to Denny for a variety of health reasons. Some of the more common counseling sessions address issues such as:
• Cancer
• Infertility
• Diabetes
• Heart health
• Allergies
• Lyme disease
• Sleep issues
• Anxiety
• Eating disorders
• Health maintenance
During a one-hour session with Denny, the macrobiotic consultation will include diet, eating habits, home remedies, and lifestyle guidance. Each recommendation is individualized for a person’s unique needs and concerns. You’ll find the recommendations detailed, specific, and insightful. Appointments can be made to see Denny in Philadelphia or New York. He is also available for counseling by Zoom, FaceTime, or Skype for your added convenience.
Before the appointment, you will be asked to complete a health assessment and health history. This is where you can present your concerns or list any questions you may have. As far as dress, the only consideration is being able to roll up clothing to the elbows and knees. Denny utilizes Oriental diagnostics for assessment that involves observing the hands, feet, and face.
A snapshot will be taken of your face to gauge progress and improvement. In one hour, you will receive a personalized health plan as well as a “7 Steps” booklet that contains food lists, recipes as well as remedies that can serve as your macrobiotic diet guide. Notes will be taken to provide you with a reminder list of the recommendations given during the appointment.
Denny is not a medical doctor and does not prescribe allopathic medicines or treatments. He does recommend that you consult with your medical practitioners. His goal is to provide dietary and lifestyle recommendations and guidance based on the forty-five years of experience he has had helping people make positive changes in their lifestyle and diet that have resulted in permanent improvements in their health.
For more interesting articles about nutrition, macrobiotics, and living a healthy lifestyle, please visit Denny’s macrobiotic blog.
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