An evening rhythm

An evening rhythm

Rhythms come from nature, and our circadian rhythms are produced by the interactions between our internal and external environments, especially within our microbiome, the sun, and temperature. These interactions and relationships produce physical, emotional, mental, and behavioral changes with each day and throughout the year. Our sense of order, rhythm, and balance comes from nature, and the reality is that we are one with nature and not separate from it. If you’ve been feeling disconnected or out of alignment with natural rhythms, the following checklist will help you reconnect.

Checklist for re-setting your biological clock

Rise and sleep at certain times.
—Be in bed by ten ideally, or by midnight if that’s not possible. Rise by seven a.m. The day literally begins when your feet touch the floor.

Have meals at regular times, especially lunch.
—Begin starting lunch no later than 1 p.m. Having a meal at this time of day recalibrates a our blood-sugar clock.

Have a grain and vegetable based diet.
—Grains encompass the entire plant kingdom as they are both the seed and the fruit of the plant merged into one. Vegetables encompass the living parts of the plant kingdom both supplementing and completing grains. Beans, seeds, nuts, and fruits are further complements.

Emphasize indigenous and local, seasonal foods.
—Indigenous foods, in this context, are foods that are native to your climatic region. For instance, in temperate climates, have foods that are from temperate regions, as opposed to tropical foods. Enjoy foods as they become seasonally available in your locality.

Avoid chemicalized foods, artificial sweeteners, GMOs, and minimize or avoid the use of many antibiotics and strong medications (where possible).
—These foods and products disrupt our microbiome and break our connection with nature and ourselves. They adversely affect our health, our emotions, our immunity and overall well-being.

Spend time outdoors and marvel and enjoy the beauty of natural settings.


Meditate and adopt a breathing or other mindfulness practices.
—These practices increase our sensitivity to and awareness of our connection to the environment, our food, our habits, and our lives.