Although today is one official start of summer, the energy of the sun has been rising since the Winter Solstice, and transitioned into summer on May 5th. Summer is the time when our energy and desire is opened fully and blossoming as in nature. In mid-August, the energy of the openness of summer begins to wane.
Our energy and desires align with nature’s, that is we are more inward and reflective during the winter and more open and expressive in the summer. We can learn to use our diet, methods of preparation, and activity to strengthen and deepen our alignment with these rhythms. During these summer months, we can keep our diet light and fresh using active cooking styles to more fully align with summer’s open and expressive energy.
—Increase blanching, quick oil sautéing and enjoying raw salads. Use extra virgin olive oil in cooking. Vegetable tempura is an ideal dish at this time.
—Enjoy green, fragrant herbs that can be added to dishes fresh such as parsley and basil.
—Focus on naturally refreshing, hydrating, and cooling foods as opposed to iced foods and beverages. These foods would include sweet corn on the cob, juicy salad vegetables, and sour pickles. It is a wonderful time for seasonal fruits such as berries and melons.
—Increase your outdoor activities while the days remain long.
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