You likely share similar concerns as other women who come to me that have difficulty conceiving, because you want to:

  • experience the joys of parenthood
  • conceive while at a safe childbearing age
  • know if your husband’s past illness really could effect your chances of a pregnancy, so that you have a better idea of where to apply your energies and resources for the best results
  • be free from the anxiety around your biological clock, when so many others around you are starting families
  • have the healthiest natural pregnancy and childbirth, for a faster rebound and the best health for your newborn
  • hear the truth about cravings and vitamins, so that you know what to do that is best for you and baby
  • be knowledgeable about natural post-partum care, to give your new baby off the best start in life

Rest assured that, over my 43 years of practice, I have helped many others in a situation similar to yours find their way back to their best health through time-tested natural food and lifestyle plans. To find out how I can guide you to your best and most vibrant health, contact me now by email or at 215-271-1858. At the very least, you will feel better knowing you have had your questions answered about the Macrobiotic path to health.

Denny Waxman