I met Denny when I was 42 and trying to conceive. Denny helped both my husband and I improve our health and do everything we could to support us having a child. We found out that my fallopian tubes were blocked and whilst we might have remedied the situation naturally, we felt we were running out of time, and my gynaecologist wanted to remove the tubes altogether, so we decided to pursue IVF treatment in conjunction with the work we were doing with Denny. However our macrobiotic regime and remedies completely transformed the quality of my husband’s sperm. I had my son when I was 44 after an easy pregnancy and a home birth with no complications. Denny guided me through my post-partum recovery and I was back in my pre-pregnancy jeans within a couple of weeks. I have continued to eat and feed my family according to macrobiotic principles and my son is now a happy healthy five year old who prefers kale to pizza. My macrobiotic practice has supported me through having another baby (‘natural’ IVF with a donor egg) at age 48 (also a straight forward pregnancy and a home birth) and Denny continues to guide me with both children.

I married at 42 and began trying to conceive. After several months I went to see Denny, as I was not eligible for any hi-tech fertility treatments due to my elevated FSH level. Working closely with him and over the course of a year my FSH dropped by 25 points. Soon after, I became pregnant at age 44. Denny guided me through a healthy pregnancy and I continued to work closely with him during the first few years of my daughter’s life. He was always responsive, open and highly professional.
Over the following five years we worked closely to tweak and fine-tune my diet and lifestyle. With Denny’s guidance and support, I was able to have a second baby at the age of 51.
Denny is a brilliant, generous, patient and wise counselor, teacher and thinker.
In 1998, after my miscarriage at 40, I wasn’t willing to go the western medicine route of drugs or surgery, in order to get pregnant again. So I decided to follow the Macrobiotic diet and lifestyle recommendations of Denny Waxman.I was diligent, as I knew it was my last shot. With Denny’s help, after only three months of macrobiotic practice I got pregnant! Although 42, my pregnancy was easy. I had no real morning sickness, cravings or the usual fatigue.
We are now blessed to have 16 year old Jeremiah Our son has also been extremely healthy in his lifetime. I am forever grateful to Denny & Macrobiotics!
…Denny’s recommendations halted a miscarriage my wife was having with our fourth child…