June 4, 2006
Dear Al Gore,
As a fellow baby boomer, I am writing you because I believe we have something very important in common, deep concern over the future of our planet. I hope you will take time to read and consider this letter.
As I watched your film, An Inconvenient Truth, I felt that our lives, thoughts and experiences have paralleled each other in so many ways, yet our paths have been very different. When you know a truth and can see the future with precision and this truth falls on deaf ears, even though it is presented clearly, accurately and logically, it is a frustration so deep and strong that it cannot be voiced. You almost lost your son and it changed the way you see and experience life. I lost my son, at almost age thirteen, and it changed my life forever. We both know that what we hold dear cannot be taken for granted.
When you compared gold and our planet I felt as if the same words have come out of my mouth many times. It is evident that if our planet becomes uninhabitable, money and power are useless, except for those who have it for a short period of time. Is not the same also true about individual health? What if we manage to save the environment and people of the world are not healthy enough to enjoy it and live naturally?
The crisis at hand is two-fold, personal and planetary health. These two are inseparable because one reflects the other. Healthy people want a healthy world and value health and life over all else.
I admire your determination and tenacity to take your message from state to state and person to person. This is the story of my life as well. My focus, since I was seventeen, has been to educate people on how to create lasting health through a natural diet and lifestyle. This lifestyle supports communities, local economies and ecological systems. It is the least polluting and destructive way of life for our environment. I have spent most of my life traveling and teaching these principles here in the US and throughout Europe. I know firsthand how information can be withheld and twisted in the media.
If you have an interest in discussing how we can help each other and work together to better achieve our common goals, I would be honored to meet with you at the time and place of your choosing. A two-sided approach of personal and planetary health is the most effective and dynamic way of creating change.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
With deep respect and wishing you the greatest success in your endeavors,
Denny Waxman
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